경고: 로그인하지 않았습니다. 편집을 하면 IP 주소가 공개되게 됩니다. 로그인하거나 계정을 생성하면 편집자가 사용자 이름으로 기록되고, 다른 장점도 있습니다. 스팸 방지 검사입니다. 이것을 입력하지 마세요!-- ATTENTION: Please edit this code at https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modul:Graph -- This way all wiki languages can stay in sync. Thank you! -- -- Version History (_PLEASE UPDATE when modifying anything_): -- 2019-01-24 Allow comma-separated lists to contain values with commas -- 2018-10-13 Fix browser color-inversion issues via #54595d per [[mw:Template:Graph:PageViews]] -- 2018-09-16 Allow disabling the legend for templates -- 2018-09-10 Allow grid lines -- 2018-08-26 Use user-defined order for stacked charts -- 2018-02-11 Force usage of explicitely provided x minimum and/or maximum values, rotation of x labels -- 2017-08-08 Added showSymbols param to show symbols on line charts -- 2016-05-16 Added encodeTitleForPath() to help all path-based APIs graphs like pageviews -- 2016-03-20 Allow omitted data for charts, labels for line charts with string (ordinal) scale at point location -- 2016-01-28 For maps, always use wikiraw:// protocol. https:// will be disabled soon. local p = {} local baseMapDirectory = "Module:Graph/" local function numericArray(csv) if not csv then return end local list = mw.text.split(csv, "%s*,%s*") local result = {} local isInteger = true for i = 1, #list do if list[i] == "" then result[i] = nil else result[i] = tonumber(list[i]) if not result[i] then return end if isInteger then local int, frac = math.modf(result[i]) isInteger = frac == 0.0 end end end return result, isInteger end local function stringArray(text) if not text then return end local list = mw.text.split(mw.ustring.gsub(tostring(text), "\\,", "<COMMA>"), ",", true) for i = 1, #list do list[i] = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.text.trim(list[i]), "<COMMA>", ",") end return list end local function isTable(t) return type(t) == "table" end local function copy(x) if type(x) == "table" then local result = {} for key, value in pairs(x) do result[key] = copy(value) end return result else return x end end function p.map(frame) -- map path data for geographic objects local basemap = frame.args.basemap or "WorldMap-iso2.json" -- scaling factor local scale = tonumber(frame.args.scale) or 100 -- map projection, see https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Geo-Projections local projection = frame.args.projection or "equirectangular" -- defaultValue for geographic objects without data local defaultValue = frame.args.defaultValue local scaleType = frame.args.scaleType or "linear" -- minimaler Wertebereich (nur für numerische Daten) local domainMin = tonumber(frame.args.domainMin) -- maximaler Wertebereich (nur für numerische Daten) local domainMax = tonumber(frame.args.domainMax) -- Farbwerte der Farbskala (nur für numerische Daten) local colorScale = frame.args.colorScale or "category10" -- show legend local legend = frame.args.legend -- format JSON output local formatJson = frame.args.formatjson -- map data are key-value pairs: keys are non-lowercase strings (ideally ISO codes) which need to match the "id" values of the map path data local values = {} local isNumbers = nil for name, value in pairs(frame.args) do if mw.ustring.find(name, "^[^%l]+$") and value and value ~= "" then if isNumbers == nil then isNumbers = tonumber(value) end local data = { id = name, v = value } if isNumbers then data.v = tonumber(data.v) end table.insert(values, data) end end if not defaultValue then if isNumbers then defaultValue = 0 else defaultValue = "silver" end end -- create highlight scale local scales if isNumbers then if colorScale then colorScale = string.lower(colorScale) end if colorScale == "category10" or colorScale == "category20" then else colorScale = stringArray(colorScale) end scales = { { name = "color", type = scaleType, domain = { data = "highlights", field = "v" }, range = colorScale, nice = true, zero = false } } if domainMin then scales[1].domainMin = domainMin end if domainMax then scales[1].domainMax = domainMax end local exponent = string.match(scaleType, "pow%s+(%d+%.?%d+)") -- check for exponent if exponent then scales[1].type = "pow" scales[1].exponent = exponent end end -- create legend if legend then legend = { { fill = "color", offset = 120, properties = { title = { fontSize = { value = 14 } }, labels = { fontSize = { value = 12 } }, legend = { stroke = { value = "silver" }, strokeWidth = { value = 1.5 } } } } } end -- get map url local basemapUrl if (string.sub(basemap, 1, 10) == "wikiraw://") then basemapUrl = basemap else -- if not a (supported) url look for a colon as namespace separator. If none prepend default map directory name. if not string.find(basemap, ":") then basemap = baseMapDirectory .. basemap end basemapUrl = "wikiraw:///" .. mw.uri.encode(mw.title.new(basemap).prefixedText, "PATH") end local output = { version = 2, width = 1, -- generic value as output size depends solely on map size and scaling factor height = 1, -- ditto data = { { -- data source for the highlights name = "highlights", values = values }, { -- data source for map paths data name = "countries", url = basemapUrl, format = { type = "topojson", feature = "countries" }, transform = { { -- geographic transformation ("geopath") of map paths data type = "geopath", value = "data", -- data source scale = scale, translate = { 0, 0 }, projection = projection }, { -- join ("zip") of mutiple data source: here map paths data and highlights type = "lookup", keys = { "id" }, -- key for map paths data on = "highlights", -- name of highlight data source onKey = "id", -- key for highlight data source as = { "zipped" }, -- name of resulting table default = { v = defaultValue } -- default value for geographic objects that could not be joined } } } }, marks = { -- output markings (map paths and highlights) { type = "path", from = { data = "countries" }, properties = { enter = { path = { field = "layout_path" } }, update = { fill = { field = "zipped.v" } }, hover = { fill = { value = "darkgrey" } } } } }, legends = legend } if (scales) then output.scales = scales output.marks[1].properties.update.fill.scale = "color" end local flags if formatJson then flags = mw.text.JSON_PRETTY end return mw.text.jsonEncode(output, flags) end local function deserializeXData(serializedX, xType, xMin, xMax) local x if not xType or xType == "integer" or xType == "number" then local isInteger x, isInteger = numericArray(serializedX) if x then xMin = tonumber(xMin) xMax = tonumber(xMax) if not xType then if isInteger then xType = "integer" else xType = "number" end end else if xType then error("Numbers expected for parameter 'x'") end end end if not x then x = stringArray(serializedX) if not xType then xType = "string" end end return x, xType, xMin, xMax end local function deserializeYData(serializedYs, yType, yMin, yMax) local y = {} local areAllInteger = true for yNum, value in pairs(serializedYs) do local yValues if not yType or yType == "integer" or yType == "number" then local isInteger yValues, isInteger = numericArray(value) if yValues then areAllInteger = areAllInteger and isInteger else if yType then error("Numbers expected for parameter '" .. name .. "'") else return deserializeYData(serializedYs, "string", yMin, yMax) end end end if not yValues then yValues = stringArray(value) end y[yNum] = yValues end if not yType then if areAllInteger then yType = "integer" else yType = "number" end end if yType == "integer" or yType == "number" then yMin = tonumber(yMin) yMax = tonumber(yMax) end return y, yType, yMin, yMax end local function convertXYToManySeries(x, y, xType, yType, seriesTitles) local data = { name = "chart", format = { type = "json", parse = { x = xType, y = yType } }, values = {} } for i = 1, #y do local yLen = table.maxn(y[i]) for j = 1, #x do if j <= yLen and y[i][j] then table.insert(data.values, { series = seriesTitles[i], x = x[j], y = y[i][j] }) end end end return data end local function convertXYToSingleSeries(x, y, xType, yType, yNames) local data = { name = "chart", format = { type = "json", parse = { x = xType } }, values = {} } for j = 1, #y do data.format.parse[yNames[j]] = yType end for i = 1, #x do local item = { x = x[i] } for j = 1, #y do item[yNames[j]] = y[j][i] end table.insert(data.values, item) end return data end local function getXScale(chartType, stacked, xMin, xMax, xType) if chartType == "pie" then return end local xscale = { name = "x", type = "linear", range = "width", zero = false, -- do not include zero value nice = true, -- force round numbers for y scale domain = { data = "chart", field = "x" } } if xMin then xscale.domainMin = xMin end if xMax then xscale.domainMax = xMax end if xMin or xMax then xscale.clamp = true xscale.nice = false end if chartType == "rect" then xscale.type = "ordinal" if not stacked then xscale.padding = 0.2 end -- pad each bar group else if xType == "date" then xscale.type = "time" elseif xType == "string" then xscale.type = "ordinal" xscale.points = true end end return xscale end local function getYScale(chartType, stacked, yMin, yMax, yType) if chartType == "pie" then return end local yscale = { name = "y", type = "linear", range = "height", -- area charts have the lower boundary of their filling at y=0 (see marks.properties.enter.y2), therefore these need to start at zero zero = chartType ~= "line", nice = true } if yMin then yscale.domainMin = yMin end if yMax then yscale.domainMax = yMax end if yMin or yMax then yscale.clamp = true end if yType == "date" then yscale.type = "time" elseif yType == "string" then yscale.type = "ordinal" end if stacked then yscale.domain = { data = "stats", field = "sum_y" } else yscale.domain = { data = "chart", field = "y" } end return yscale end local function getColorScale(colors, chartType, xCount, yCount) if not colors then if (chartType == "pie" and xCount > 10) or yCount > 10 then colors = "category20" else colors = "category10" end end local colorScale = { name = "color", type = "ordinal", range = colors, domain = { data = "chart", field = "series" } } if chartType == "pie" then colorScale.domain.field = "x" end return colorScale end local function getAlphaColorScale(colors, y) local alphaScale -- if there is at least one color in the format "#aarrggbb", create a transparency (alpha) scale if isTable(colors) then local alphas = {} local hasAlpha = false for i = 1, #colors do local a, rgb = string.match(colors[i], "#(%x%x)(%x%x%x%x%x%x)") if a then hasAlpha = true alphas[i] = tostring(tonumber(a, 16) / 255.0) colors[i] = "#" .. rgb else alphas[i] = "1" end end for i = #colors + 1, #y do alphas[i] = "1" end if hasAlpha then alphaScale = { name = "transparency", type = "ordinal", range = alphas } end end return alphaScale end local function getValueScale(fieldName, min, max, type) local valueScale = { name = fieldName, type = type or "linear", domain = { data = "chart", field = fieldName }, range = { min, max } } return valueScale end local function addInteractionToChartVisualisation(plotMarks, colorField, dataField) -- initial setup if not plotMarks.properties.enter then plotMarks.properties.enter = {} end plotMarks.properties.enter[colorField] = { scale = "color", field = dataField } -- action when cursor is over plot mark: highlight if not plotMarks.properties.hover then plotMarks.properties.hover = {} end plotMarks.properties.hover[colorField] = { value = "red" } -- action when cursor leaves plot mark: reset to initial setup if not plotMarks.properties.update then plotMarks.properties.update = {} end plotMarks.properties.update[colorField] = { scale = "color", field = dataField } end local function getPieChartVisualisation(yCount, innerRadius, outerRadius, linewidth, radiusScale) local chartvis = { type = "arc", from = { data = "chart", transform = { { field = "y", type = "pie" } } }, properties = { enter = { innerRadius = { value = innerRadius }, outerRadius = { }, startAngle = { field = "layout_start" }, endAngle = { field = "layout_end" }, stroke = { value = "white" }, strokeWidth = { value = linewidth or 1 } } } } if radiusScale then chartvis.properties.enter.outerRadius.scale = radiusScale.name chartvis.properties.enter.outerRadius.field = radiusScale.domain.field else chartvis.properties.enter.outerRadius.value = outerRadius end addInteractionToChartVisualisation(chartvis, "fill", "x") return chartvis end local function getChartVisualisation(chartType, stacked, colorField, yCount, innerRadius, outerRadius, linewidth, alphaScale, radiusScale, interpolate) if chartType == "pie" then return getPieChartVisualisation(yCount, innerRadius, outerRadius, linewidth, radiusScale) end local chartvis = { type = chartType, properties = { -- chart creation event handler enter = { x = { scale = "x", field = "x" }, y = { scale = "y", field = "y" } } } } addInteractionToChartVisualisation(chartvis, colorField, "series") if colorField == "stroke" then chartvis.properties.enter.strokeWidth = { value = linewidth or 2.5 } end if interpolate then chartvis.properties.enter.interpolate = { value = interpolate } end if alphaScale then chartvis.properties.update[colorField .. "Opacity"] = { scale = "transparency" } end -- for bars and area charts set the lower bound of their areas if chartType == "rect" or chartType == "area" then if stacked then -- for stacked charts this lower bound is the end of the last stacking element chartvis.properties.enter.y2 = { scale = "y", field = "layout_end" } else --[[ for non-stacking charts the lower bound is y=0 TODO: "yscale.zero" is currently set to "true" for this case, but "false" for all other cases. For the similar behavior "y2" should actually be set to where y axis crosses the x axis, if there are only positive or negative values in the data ]] chartvis.properties.enter.y2 = { scale = "y", value = 0 } end end -- for bar charts ... if chartType == "rect" then -- set 1 pixel width between the bars chartvis.properties.enter.width = { scale = "x", band = true, offset = -1 } -- for multiple series the bar marking needs to use the "inner" series scale, whereas the "outer" x scale is used by the grouping if not stacked and yCount > 1 then chartvis.properties.enter.x.scale = "series" chartvis.properties.enter.x.field = "series" chartvis.properties.enter.width.scale = "series" end end -- stacked charts have their own (stacked) y values if stacked then chartvis.properties.enter.y.field = "layout_start" end -- if there are multiple series group these together if yCount == 1 then chartvis.from = { data = "chart" } else -- if there are multiple series, connect colors to series chartvis.properties.update[colorField].field = "series" if alphaScale then chartvis.properties.update[colorField .. "Opacity"].field = "series" end -- apply a grouping (facetting) transformation chartvis = { type = "group", marks = { chartvis }, from = { data = "chart", transform = { { type = "facet", groupby = { "series" } } } } } -- for stacked charts apply a stacking transformation if stacked then table.insert(chartvis.from.transform, 1, { type = "stack", groupby = { "x" }, sortby = { "-_id" }, field = "y" } ) else -- for bar charts the series are side-by-side grouped by x if chartType == "rect" then -- for bar charts with multiple series: each serie is grouped by the x value, therefore the series need their own scale within each x group local groupScale = { name = "series", type = "ordinal", range = "width", domain = { field = "series" } } chartvis.from.transform[1].groupby = "x" chartvis.scales = { groupScale } chartvis.properties = { enter = { x = { field = "key", scale = "x" }, width = { scale = "x", band = true } } } end end end return chartvis end local function getTextMarks(chartvis, chartType, outerRadius, scales, radiusScale, yType, showValues) local properties if chartType == "rect" then properties = { x = { scale = chartvis.properties.enter.x.scale, field = chartvis.properties.enter.x.field }, y = { scale = chartvis.properties.enter.y.scale, field = chartvis.properties.enter.y.field, offset = -(tonumber(showValues.offset) or -4) }, --dx = { scale = chartvis.properties.enter.x.scale, band = true, mult = 0.5 }, -- for horizontal text dy = { scale = chartvis.properties.enter.x.scale, band = true, mult = 0.5 }, -- for vertical text align = { }, baseline = { value = "middle" }, fill = { }, angle = { value = -90 }, fontSize = { value = tonumber(showValues.fontsize) or 11 } } if properties.y.offset >= 0 then properties.align.value = "right" properties.fill.value = showValues.fontcolor or "white" else properties.align.value = "left" properties.fill.value = showValues.fontcolor or "black" end elseif chartType == "pie" then properties = { x = { group = "width", mult = 0.5 }, y = { group = "height", mult = 0.5 }, radius = { offset = tonumber(showValues.offset) or -4 }, theta = { field = "layout_mid" }, fill = { value = showValues.fontcolor or "black" }, baseline = { }, angle = { }, fontSize = { value = tonumber(showValues.fontsize) or math.ceil(outerRadius / 10) } } if (showValues.angle or "midangle") == "midangle" then properties.align = { value = "center" } properties.angle = { field = "layout_mid", mult = 180.0 / math.pi } if properties.radius.offset >= 0 then properties.baseline.value = "bottom" else if not showValues.fontcolor then properties.fill.value = "white" end properties.baseline.value = "top" end elseif tonumber(showValues.angle) then -- qunatize scale for aligning text left on right half-circle and right on left half-circle local alignScale = { name = "align", type = "quantize", domainMin = 0.0, domainMax = math.pi * 2, range = { "left", "right" } } table.insert(scales, alignScale) properties.align = { scale = alignScale.name, field = "layout_mid" } properties.angle = { value = tonumber(showValues.angle) } properties.baseline.value = "middle" if not tonumber(showValues.offset) then properties.radius.offset = 4 end end if radiusScale then properties.radius.scale = radiusScale.name properties.radius.field = radiusScale.domain.field else properties.radius.value = outerRadius end end if properties then if showValues.format then local template = "datum.y" if yType == "integer" or yType == "number" then template = template .. "|number:'" .. showValues.format .. "'" elseif yType == "date" then template = template .. "|time:" .. showValues.format .. "'" end properties.text = { template = "{{" .. template .. "}}" } else properties.text = { field = "y" } end local textmarks = { type = "text", properties = { enter = properties } } if chartvis.from then textmarks.from = copy(chartvis.from) end return textmarks end end local function getSymbolMarks(chartvis) local symbolmarks = { type = "symbol", properties = { enter = { x = { scale = "x", field = "x" }, y = { scale = "y", field = "y" }, fill = { scale = "color", field = "series" }, shape = "circle", size = { value = 49 } } } } if chartvis.from then symbolmarks.from = copy(chartvis.from) end return symbolmarks end local function getAxes(xTitle, xAxisFormat, xAxisAngle, xType, xGrid, yTitle, yAxisFormat, yType, yGrid, chartType) local xAxis, yAxis if chartType ~= "pie" then if xType == "integer" and not xAxisFormat then xAxisFormat = "d" end xAxis = { type = "x", scale = "x", title = xTitle, format = xAxisFormat, grid = xGrid ~= "0" } if xAxisAngle then local xAxisAlign if xAxisAngle < 0 then xAxisAlign = "right" else xAxisAlign = "left" end xAxis.properties = { title = { fill = { value = "#54595d" } }, labels = { angle = { value = xAxisAngle }, align = { value = xAxisAlign }, fill = { value = "#54595d" } }, ticks = { stroke = { value = "#54595d" } }, axis = { stroke = { value = "#54595d" }, strokeWidth = { value = 2 } } } else xAxis.properties = { title = { fill = { value = "#54595d" } }, labels = { fill = { value = "#54595d" } }, ticks = { stroke = { value = "#54595d" } }, axis = { stroke = { value = "#54595d" }, strokeWidth = { value = 2 } } } end if yType == "integer" and not yAxisFormat then yAxisFormat = "d" end yAxis = { type = "y", scale = "y", title = yTitle, format = yAxisFormat, grid = yGrid ~= "0" } yAxis.properties = { title = { fill = { value = "#54595d" } }, labels = { fill = { value = "#54595d" } }, ticks = { stroke = { value = "#54595d" } }, axis = { stroke = { value = "#54595d" }, strokeWidth = { value = 2 } }, grid = { stroke = { value = "#54595d" } } } end return xAxis, yAxis end local function getLegend(legendTitle, chartType, outerRadius) local legend = { fill = "color", stroke = "color", title = legendTitle, } if chartType == "pie" then -- move legend from center position to top legend.properties = { legend = { y = { value = -outerRadius } } } end return legend end function p.chart(frame) -- chart width and height local graphwidth = tonumber(frame.args.width) or 200 local graphheight = tonumber(frame.args.height) or 200 -- chart type local chartType = frame.args.type or "line" -- interpolation mode for line and area charts: linear, step-before, step-after, basis, basis-open, basis-closed (type=line only), bundle (type=line only), cardinal, cardinal-open, cardinal-closed (type=line only), monotone local interpolate = frame.args.interpolate -- mark colors (if no colors are given, the default 10 color palette is used) local colorString = frame.args.colors if colorString then colorString = string.lower(colorString) end local colors = stringArray(colorString) -- for line charts, the thickness of the line; for pie charts the gap between each slice local linewidth = tonumber(frame.args.linewidth) -- x and y axis caption local xTitle = frame.args.xAxisTitle local yTitle = frame.args.yAxisTitle -- x and y value types local xType = frame.args.xType local yType = frame.args.yType -- override x and y axis minimum and maximum local xMin = frame.args.xAxisMin local xMax = frame.args.xAxisMax local yMin = frame.args.yAxisMin local yMax = frame.args.yAxisMax -- override x and y axis label formatting local xAxisFormat = frame.args.xAxisFormat local yAxisFormat = frame.args.yAxisFormat local xAxisAngle = tonumber(frame.args.xAxisAngle) -- show grid local xGrid = frame.args.xGrid or "0" local yGrid = frame.args.yGrid or "0" -- for line chart, show a symbol at each data point local showSymbols = frame.args.showSymbols -- show legend with given title local legendTitle = frame.args.legend -- show values as text local showValues = frame.args.showValues -- pie chart radiuses local innerRadius = tonumber(frame.args.innerRadius) or 0 local outerRadius = math.min(graphwidth, graphheight) -- format JSON output local formatJson = frame.args.formatjson -- get x values local x x, xType, xMin, xMax = deserializeXData(frame.args.x, xType, xMin, xMax) -- get y values (series) local yValues = {} local seriesTitles = {} for name, value in pairs(frame.args) do local yNum if name == "y" then yNum = 1 else yNum = tonumber(string.match(name, "^y(%d+)$")) end if yNum then yValues[yNum] = value -- name the series: default is "y<number>". Can be overwritten using the "y<number>Title" parameters. seriesTitles[yNum] = frame.args["y" .. yNum .. "Title"] or name end end local y y, yType, yMin, yMax = deserializeYData(yValues, yType, yMin, yMax) -- create data tuples, consisting of series index, x value, y value local data if chartType == "pie" then -- for pie charts the second second series is merged into the first series as radius values data = convertXYToSingleSeries(x, y, xType, yType, { "y", "r" }) else data = convertXYToManySeries(x, y, xType, yType, seriesTitles) end -- configure stacked charts local stacked = false local stats if string.sub(chartType, 1, 7) == "stacked" then chartType = string.sub(chartType, 8) if #y > 1 then -- ignore stacked charts if there is only one series stacked = true -- aggregate data by cumulative y values stats = { name = "stats", source = "chart", transform = { { type = "aggregate", groupby = { "x" }, summarize = { y = "sum" } } } } end end -- create scales local scales = {} local xscale = getXScale(chartType, stacked, xMin, xMax, xType) table.insert(scales, xscale) local yscale = getYScale(chartType, stacked, yMin, yMax, yType) table.insert(scales, yscale) local colorScale = getColorScale(colors, chartType, #x, #y) table.insert(scales, colorScale) local alphaScale = getAlphaColorScale(colors, y) table.insert(scales, alphaScale) local radiusScale if chartType == "pie" and #y > 1 then radiusScale = getValueScale("r", 0, outerRadius) table.insert(scales, radiusScale) end -- decide if lines (strokes) or areas (fills) should be drawn local colorField if chartType == "line" then colorField = "stroke" else colorField = "fill" end -- create chart markings local chartvis = getChartVisualisation(chartType, stacked, colorField, #y, innerRadius, outerRadius, linewidth, alphaScale, radiusScale, interpolate) local marks = { chartvis } -- text marks if showValues then if type(showValues) == "string" then -- deserialize as table local keyValues = mw.text.split(showValues, "%s*,%s*") showValues = {} for _, kv in ipairs(keyValues) do local key, value = mw.ustring.match(kv, "^%s*(.-)%s*:%s*(.-)%s*$") if key then showValues[key] = value end end end local chartmarks = chartvis if chartmarks.marks then chartmarks = chartmarks.marks[1] end local textmarks = getTextMarks(chartmarks, chartType, outerRadius, scales, radiusScale, yType, showValues) if chartmarks ~= chartvis then table.insert(chartvis.marks, textmarks) else table.insert(marks, textmarks) end end -- symbol marks if chartType == "line" and showSymbols then local chartmarks = chartvis if chartmarks.marks then chartmarks = chartmarks.marks[1] end local symbolmarks = getSymbolMarks(chartmarks) if chartmarks ~= chartvis then table.insert(chartvis.marks, symbolmarks) else table.insert(marks, symbolmarks) end end -- axes local xAxis, yAxis = getAxes(xTitle, xAxisFormat, xAxisAngle, xType, xGrid, yTitle, yAxisFormat, yType, yGrid, chartType) -- legend local legend if legendTitle and tonumber(legendTitle) ~= 0 then legend = getLegend(legendTitle, chartType, outerRadius) end -- construct final output object local output = { version = 2, width = graphwidth, height = graphheight, data = { data, stats }, scales = scales, axes = { xAxis, yAxis }, marks = marks, legends = { legend } } local flags if formatJson then flags = mw.text.JSON_PRETTY end return mw.text.jsonEncode(output, flags) end function p.mapWrapper(frame) return p.map(frame:getParent()) end function p.chartWrapper(frame) return p.chart(frame:getParent()) end -- Given an HTML-encoded title as first argument, e.g. one produced with {{ARTICLEPAGENAME}}, -- convert it into a properly URL path-encoded string -- This function is critical for any graph that uses path-based APIs, e.g. PageViews graph function p.encodeTitleForPath(frame) return mw.uri.encode(mw.text.decode(mw.text.trim(frame.args[1])), 'PATH') end return p 요약: 풉키위키 [스타시티즌 위키]에서의 모든 기여는 크리에이티브 커먼즈 저작자표시 라이선스로 배포된다는 점을 유의해 주세요 (자세한 내용에 대해서는 Sc wiki:저작권 문서를 읽어주세요). 만약 여기에 동의하지 않는다면 문서를 저장하지 말아 주세요. 또한, 직접 작성했거나 퍼블릭 도메인과 같은 자유 문서에서 가져왔다는 것을 보증해야 합니다. 저작권이 있는 내용을 허가 없이 저장하지 마세요! 취소 편집 도움말 (새 창에서 열림) 이 문서에서 사용한 틀: 모듈:Graph/설명문서 (편집)