노비코브 "엑스포" 헬멧

Poopki (토론 | 기여)님의 2023년 2월 12일 (일) 03:24 판
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노비코브 "엑스포" 헬멧
Novikov "Expo" Helmet
방어구 정보
이름 노비코브 "엑스포" 헬멧
제조사 칼데라
분류 헤비 아머
사이즈 1
저장 공간
방어구 사양
작동 온도 -225 / 75 �C
방어력 40%

인게임 설명

Item Type: Heavy Armor
Damage Reduction: 40%
Temp. Rating: -225 / 75 �C
Confidently explore cold environments while wearing the Novikov "Expo". Caldera built the exploration suit with an advanced sensor suite that intelligently adjusts to environmental conditions so the wearer's body temperature remains stable. Also featuring a bespoke helmet that integrates with the cutting edge life support system, those venturing across unknown terrain can count on the Novikov to help them survive the journey.�The "Expo" edition celebrates CitizenCon 2949 by blending orange and purple for an eye catching look that's highly visible against the elements.

판매 장소

  • 아크콥

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  • 허스턴

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  • 크루세이더

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  • 마이크로텍

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