산가르 헬멧 (변형)

Poopki-bot (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 8월 30일 (화) 00:40 판 (새 문서: {{틀:방어구DB |키=산가르 헬멧 (변형)}})
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산가르 헬멧 (변형)
Sangar Helmet (Modified)
방어구 정보
이름 산가르 헬멧 (변형)
제조사 비질
분류 헤비 아머
사이즈 1
저장 공간
방어구 사양
작동 온도 -90 / 115 �C
방어력 40%

인게임 설명

Item Type: Heavy Armor
Damage Reduction: 40%
Temp. Rating: -90 / 115 �C
This version of Virgil's Sangar helmet has been modified from its original form. The Sangar helmet from Vigil is both practical and eye-catching, thanks to a prominent brow ridge meant to absorb and disperse strikes through the helmet's special impact-resistant inner lining. Featuring high quality diamond laminate lens over the eyes and a top tier dual sensor air filtration system protruding from the front like fangs, Virgil has ensured that the Sangar helmet can take a beating and look good doing it in every situation from a hostile environment to a frantic firefight.

판매 장소

  • 아크콥

결과 없음

  • 허스턴

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  • 크루세이더

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  • 마이크로텍

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